Minggu, 20 November 2016

Penyakit Mematikan #kesehatan

Kita pasti pernah mendengar penyakit paling mematikan nomor 1 itu serangan jantung. Kita juga pasti pernah medengar beberapa kasus orang-orang meninggal mendadak bahkan setelah habis olahraga? Ingatkah kasus kematian Adjie Masaid? Artis dan politikus yang meninggal secara mendadak tahun 2011 lalu sesaat setelah berolahraga sepak bola dan banyak lagi kasus lainnya.
Bagaimana tidak berbahaya? Gejala-gejalanya tidak terdeteksi secara dini.

Jutaan orang setiap tahun didunia meninggal disebabkan masalah jantung.
Pola hidup dan kebiasaan menjadi faktor penting yang memberi andil bedar terkena resiko penyakit jantung.

Seperti yang kita sudah tahu rokok menjadi penyebab utama beberapa penyakit mematikan seperti jantung.
Penyebab lainnya adalah apa yang kita konsumsi mengenai makanan.

Kolesterol dan Lemak adalah faktor utama penyebab penyakit ini. Bagaimana bisa?
Kolestrol dan lemak yang kita konsumsi apabila berlebihan akan menyumbat pembuluh darah arteri.

Kadar kolestrol dan lemak yang meningkat didalam darah akhirnya menjadi mengeras dan menutup suplai oksigen ke jantung.

Maka, banyak kasus serangan jantung yang terjadi secara mendadak ketika pembuluh darah sudah tertutup dan menyumbat suplai oksigen menuju jantung.

Dewasa ini, kebiasaan mengkonsumsi makanan-makanan yang mengandung lemak dan kolestrol tinggi menjadi hal biasa di kalangan masyarakat.

Di kota-kota besar, tersedia banyak restoran cepat saji yang menyediakan berbagai olahan makanan yang tinggi lemak dan kolestrol nya. Karyawan, mahasiswa dan masyarakat akan lebih memilih mengkonsumsi makanan yang tersedia di restoran tersebut karena lebih praktis dan lezat tanpa memikirkan efek makanan yang dikonsumsi.

Padahal, jika kita mau lebih peduli pada kesehatan makanan yang diolah dirumah sendiri lebih sehat dan hemat. Kita mengetahui apa saja bahan-bahan yang dimasukan kedalam makanan sehingga dapat terjaga kualitas dan kuantitas makanan yang kita makan terlebih jika halal bagi muslim.

Makanan-makanan seperti apa saja yang mengandung lemak dan kolestrol.
Yaitu ikan, telur, daging, mentega, sosis, dll.
Untuk orang yang sudah terkena kolestrol sebenarnya mudah saja untuk mengembalikan kadar kolestrol dan lemak menjadi turun dengan pola makan sehat.
Mulai dari hanya mengkonsumsi buah dan sayur, semuanya direbus, menghindari goreng-gorengan, dan menghindari makanan yang mengandung kolestrol tinggi.

Continue reading Penyakit Mematikan #kesehatan

Reported speech

Reported speech or Indirect Speech refers to a sentence expressing what someone said. However, in reported speech the tenses must be changed that is bacause if we want to tell what someone said, it is always to talk about a time in the past. We use a reporting verb such as tell, ask and say. While, Direct speech we do not need to change the tenses.

Direct Speech

Reported Speech
Miss Wang said “The Wheater is cold”
Miss Wang said that the wheater was cold.

Mino said “He bought a new car”
Mino said that he had bought a new car.
I am living in London
She said that she was living in London

How to change direct speech into reported speech?

We have to take a look to the tenses that is used in the sentence and then we change it the tenses. Here is the formulate of the tenses :

Present Simple Past
Past Tense
Present Continous
Past Continous
Present Perfect
Past Perfect
Past Continous
Past Perfect Continous
Past Tense
Past Perfect
Must/Have to
Had to

Note : we do not need to change the preset tense into past if the information in direct speech is a fact (general fact).
Direct Speech : The water freezes at 0 Celcius.
Reported Speech : She said that the water freezes at 0 Celcius.
If we are reporting what someone said we also need to change the time references.

Here's a table of some possible conversions: 
Direct Speech
Reported Speech
then / at that time 
yesterday / that day  
the day before yesterday / the day before /
last night     
the night before, Thursday night 
last week       
the week before / the previous week 
today / the next day / the following day


Note :

“Whether” and “if” should be put before an indirect speech if we change a direct speech question sentence into an indirect speech sentence.

Positive Reported speech statements

1.      I buy a lot of books : She said that she bought a lot of books
2.      I brought you a cake : She said that she had brought you a cake

Negative Reported speech statements :

1.      “I don’t know Fred.” Sue said (that) she didn't know Fred.
2.      “I don´t feel very happy about it.” Jake said (that) he didn't feel very happy about it.

Question Reported Speech :
. Indirect questions are formed of two parts: a polite expression, and a question which has no subject/verb inversion like a normal question. Indirect questions are formed of two parts: a polite expression, and a question which has no subject/verb inversion like a normal question.
1.      Direct : Do you like Pop Music?
Indirect : I am wondering if you like Pop Music ?
2.      Direct: Did you go to the concert?
Note :  “Asked” and “wanted to know” are equal.
3.      “Where does he lives?” She wanted to know where he lives.
Perubahan :
In questions with the verb “to be,” the word order changes in the reported question:
4.      “Where were you born?” (Question word + [to be] + subject)
He asked where I was born (Question word + subject + [to be])

reported imperative 
A reported imperative usually includes say or tell in the main clause followed by the content of the quote expressed as (1) a subordinate clause (that followed by a clause) or (2) an infinitive (to follwed by a plain form verb).  
The verb in the main clause is usually say or tell followed by an infinitive clause with not and an infinitival form: to + plain form verb.
“Doctor said : “Don’t smoke”            : The doctor said to me not to smoke
The verb in the main clause is usually say or tell followed by an infinitive clause with an infinitival form: to + plain form verb.
“Please open the book”. She said to open the book.
(Verb berubah menjadi Infinite to)
References : Grammar PPT and Ebook Direct and Inderecr Speech


Continue reading Reported speech

Slang in English

Slang in English
Cash : Money
Prat : Fool
Chill out : Relax
Bust : Broken
Cool : Fashionable
Smashed : Drunk
Sitrep : situation Report
Bug : Illness
Lost one’s marbels : gone mad
Kick the Bucket : Die
Translation slang in Indonesia
Galau : Blue
Labil : Flakey
Basi : Played out
Lebay : Devastated
Caper : Attention Whore
Tajir : Loaded
Gaptek : Technology Challenged
Latah : copy cat
Ilfeel : turned off ... I’m so over you
Gebetan : Crush
Penggunaan Despite vs Inspite of
Despite atau Inspite of artinya meskipun atau walaupun diikuti oleh Noun.
1.      She enjoyed swimming despite being sick.
2.      I have to present to work despite mouth sures.

Note : Despite and Infite off tidak bisa diikuti oleh kalimat. Jika ingin disertakan kalimat ditambah “the fact that”
I never know you love me despite the fact that you are my bestfriend.

Continue reading Slang in English

Noun and Pronoun

A noun is used to name person, thing, place or idea.
Example :
Mr. President
Identifying Noun
Find out Nouns in the following sentences :
1.      People are standing in front of the office.
2.      During in a war, women in our country worked in hospitals, factories, and offices.
3.      Gadget have become a part of our daily lives of noth children and adults.
4.      Hobbies could teach someone’s skills.
5.      All responsible citizen in a democracy should exercise the right to vote in the election.
Compound Noun
Noun can be made up by two or more words. This word can be written as single word (redwood) or with a hypen (self-esteem).
Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy
Buckingham Palace
The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn
Pasific Ocean etc.
A pronoun is a word that stand for a noun. It is used in place one or of more than one nouns.
There are several kinds of nouns : personal nouns.
I, Me, Yours, Myself, Yourself, he , she, it, them etc.
Possesive pronouns: My, his, her, its, your, their.
Other common pronouns :
What, which, whatever, however, whose, this, that, etac.
Identifying Pronouns
Find out the pronouns in the following sentences.
1.      Whoever you are I stand for you.
2.      Nobody love you like I do.
3.      Which one do you like?
4.      Are you sure you love me?
5.      Elis saw the cat in the snow, and she decided to bring it inside our house.

Continue reading Noun and Pronoun

10 Kesalahan dalam Berbahasa Inggris

1.      Angry

I angry to you (False)

I angry with you (True)

2.      Clever
She is clever in Math (False)
She is clever at Math
3.      Dream

Every night I always dream you
Every night I always dream of you

4.      Sink and Drown

Sink tenggelam
Drown Mati tenggelam

5.      I want vs I’m going to
I want to go to office (not common)
I’m going to office (true)
I want to dipakai untuk menggambarkan hanya sebuah keinginan bukan sebuah plan.
6.      Plan

I have a planning (flase)

I have plans (true)

7.      House vs Home

House menggambarkan bangunan sebuah rumah, sedangkan home menggambarkan tempat tinggal.
8.      On Foot

I’d rather walk by foot (false)
I’d rather walk on foot (true)

9.      Street vs Road

Which is the street to the park? (false)

Which is the road to the park (true)

10.  Revenge vs Avenge

Revenge adalah balas dendam atas perbuatan pada diri sendiri sedangkan Avenge adalah balas dendam atas orang lain.
Continue reading 10 Kesalahan dalam Berbahasa Inggris

Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2016


A sentence generally begins with the performer of the action (subject), then the verb, then the object or person that the action is performed on. This is called an "active sentence".

Subject + verb + object : Marry send the letter

If we begin the sentence with an object. It is called a "passive voice".


Object + verb + subject : the letter is sent by Marry

Based on youtube video Anglo-link, we can use passive sentence :
1. When we do not know who subject is
or It is not importat who subject is.
E.g : somebody clean the room.
Become the room was cleaned.
2. It is obvious to the reader or listener because somebody usually does it.
E.g :  the cleaner clean the room become room was cleaned.

The characteristic of active and passive voice :

Verbals in Passive Structures

Verbals or verb forms can also take on features of the passive voice. An infinitive phrase in the passive voice, for instance, can perform various functions within a sentence (just like the active forms of the infinitive).

Subject: To be elected by my peers is a great honor.Object: That child really likes to be read to by her mother.Modifier: Grasso was the first woman to be elected governor in her own right.

The same is true of passive gerunds.

Subject: Being elected by my peers was a great thrill.Object: I really don't like being lectured to by my boss.Object of preposition: I am so tired of being lectured to by my boss.

With passive participles, part of the passive construction is often omitted, the result being a simple modifying participial phrase.

[Having been] designed for off-road performance, the Pathseeker does not always behave well on paved highways.

ACTIVE- is best known when the subject comes first in a sentence followed by an action.

This sentence type is generally shorter.Verb use is generally active. (often accompanied by are or is "Be" verbsEven if being done in the past tense, the verb generally follows the subject. In essence, make the person doing the action come first.

PASSIVE: The Passive sentence structure generally moves the direct object of the ACTIVE sentence to the beginning of the sentence, putting the person (doing) the action in a secondary role - We do use this method in trans-social grammar but only in formal writing where we are only reporting and from an emotional distance from the topic. 

So yes, there is a place for passive voice.

Passive sentences are usually longer, demanding more tense "being" verbs in order to function.Passive sentences tell us that what is being done is more important than who is doing it. The reason you aren't supposed to write "passive" sentences is because this condition flies in the face of the "universe rule" -- the person is always the most important (socially).The Passive voice often leads off with the CLEFT subjectThe SUBJUNCTIVE (tag) sentence is the closest to passive and we tend to use it to make peace or to get something we want.

Sources : http://cstl-cla.semo.edu/tmeaton/grammar09d2passive.htm

Formulate the passive voice :
1. Put the object in the beginning of the sentence.
2. Conjugate the verb to be with the same active form tenses.
3. Put the main verb in the past participle form.

Note :

No one or nobody in the passive voice can be negative :

E.g no one turn on the light become the lighg was not turned on.

If there is preposition in the active voice it will remain after verb in passive voice.
E.g we talk about love become love was talked about.

The passive voice in different tenses :

Present tense

I do it (active) : it is done (passive)

Past simple

I ate the bread (active) : the bread was eaten by me (passive)

Present continous

I'm doing it (active) : it is being done (passive)

Past continous

I was doing it (active) : it was being done

Present perfect

I have done it (active) : it has been done

Past perfect

I had done it (active) : it had been done (passive)

Modal auxiliaries :

I can do it (active) : it can be done (passive)

Conclusion :

Based on the explaination above the writer draw several conclusion about this material.

Definition of active and passive voice.
An active voice is used when the subject does an action. While, the passive voice is used when the object put in the beginning of the sentence.

Formulate the passive voice

The teacher teaches Biology is an active voice sentence if we want to change into passive sentence. First, we have to know the object. In this active sentence the object is 'Biology' and the verb 'teaches' and the subject 'the teacher'. Usually the object are in the end of the sentence, like this active sentence example. So, we put 'Biology' as the object into the first position of the sentence become Biology...... and then the verb to be 'am' and change the verb into past participle 'taught' and finally the subject the teacher. Become Biology is taught by the teacher. And, remember to change the tenses with the active voice sentence. The different/formulation have explained above this written.
Okay, that is all about active and passive voice. I hope you learn something. Let me know if there is some mistakes you can comment down bellow. Thank you ❤

References :
Anglo-link Youtube

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