Senin, 06 Juni 2016

Cara mudah makeup natural untuk pemula

Hello girls!! makeup enthusiast.

buat kalian yang baru belajar makeup, belum mahir memoles-moles wajah, atau gak pernah dandan tetiba (tiba-tiba, red) kepingin dandan gitu (karena mungkin temen-temen sebaya (seumuran) pada pakai makeup dan cuma kamu yang belum.. pasti kepingin cuma malu atau takut menor....

nah aku punya tips and trik gimana biar makeup nya natural ga keliatan makeup tapi tetep flawless....

yang harus kamu punya :

1. BB cream (kenapa bb cream? buat everyday makeup bb cream lebih natural, dan bersahabat juga sama kulit karena ada spf nya dll)
recomended : aku pake bb cream wardah yang light, tapi kamu juga harus aware sama warna tone kulit kamu, jangan sampe makeup nya "like wearing mask" tangan sama muka atau leher ga singkron warna nya hehe.
cara aplikasikan di wajah : bisa ditap-tap pakai spons atau beauty blender atau kalau mau disapukan bisa tapi dengan gerakan kebawah yaa (karena ada bulu halus di wajah yang jika kamu ngeblend dgn cara kbawah maka bulu halus diwajahpun akan terlihat rapi sehingga jadi ngeblend rata diwajah)

2. concealer (ini optional aja) jika kamu punya darkspot sekitar wajah, dan area lainnya, biar tambah flawless bisa pakai concealer jadi darkspotnya tertutup nah jadi tambah flawless. (aplikasikan concealer juga di area kelopak mata ya)

3. pensil alis (penting niii) bagian yang cukup sulit tapi my fun part juga.

kuncinya buat supaya natural ikutin aja garis asli alis kamu..

4.lipstick (warna apa aja sesuai selera tapi jangan terlalu tebal ingat kunci nya natural)

5.eyeshadow sebagai highlighter

aplikasikan eyeshadow yang warna light seperti pada gambar eyeshadow dibawah yang mengkilat ituuu✨✨✨

di area ujung mata dekat hidung.

6. eyeliner warna putih

diaplikasikan di area bawah mata sehingga mata kamu jadi semakin terlihat lebar.

7. nah, sebagai penutup coba jepit bulu mata sebelum mengaplikasikan mascara :)

well done! selamat mencoba :)

Continue reading Cara mudah makeup natural untuk pemula

What is phrase

Phrase is a group of related words that is used as a single part of speech and doesnot contain a verb and its subject.
Types of  Phrases
• The Prepositional Phrase is a group of words that begins with preposition and usually ends with a noun or pronoun.
e.g During the night, the horse ran off
• The Adjective Phrase is a prepositional phrase that modifies a noun or     prounoun.
E.g the beacon from the lighthouse stayed on all night
• The Adverb Phrase  when prepositional phrase is used as an adverb to modify a verb, adj, adv, it is called adverb phrase.
E.g the snow fell like feathers
• The Noun Phrase a noun phrase consist of a noun or pronoun which is called the head and any dependent words before or after the head. Dependent words give spesific information about the head. Noun Phrase can begins with determiner ( A, The, My, His, Some etc)
E.g A good man

Verbal is a word that is formed from verb but it is used in a sentence as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. There are three kinds of verbal : the participle, the gerund, and the infinitive.

The participle : is a verb vorm that can used as an adj. There are two kinds of participles. Present and past. E.g the toy was broken

▷ The participle phrase : is a group of related words that contains a participle and acts as an adjective. E.g seeing itself in the mirror
▷ Gerund Phrases : includes the gerund and all the words realated to gerund. E.g : shouting at people
▷ The invinitive phrase :consist of an infinitive together with its complements and modifiers. E.g to lift those weights need a lot of strength
▷ Appositive phrase  is made up of an appositive (noun or pronoun that explains rge noun or pronoun its follows) and its modifiers. E.g Mrs. Collins, my english teacher, went to scoll with my mother.

Continue reading What is phrase


These are some examples of structure sentence :

1. The biggest House = Acceptable
The est big house = unacceptable
2. Andrew was shot  in the arm by the police = A
Andrew was shot in hat in the arm by police = U
3. What will abner put in his head? = A
What will anmer put hat in his head = U

Contoh diatas adalah sentence yang dapat berterima secara struktur dan yang tak berterima secara sturktur atau gramatical.
Contoh nomer 1 adalah traditional term  yaitu perkembangan linguistik menurut Aritoteles bahwa bahasa dapat dikaji melalui kelas kata atau part of speech.
Diperbaharui oleh ferdinad desausure dengan pendekatan struktural bahwa “sentence is not just string of element but based on hirarchi structural” yaitu mengikuti pola subject+verb+object (contoh nomor 2)
Siperbaharui lagi oleh chomsky dengan teori transformasi TTG (transformation generation grammar)  trans : move a category form one location to another. (subject bisa diubah menjadi object (transformasi))

Continue reading Syntax